Sunday, March 1, 2015

Graceling summary/reflection

After Katsa's friends (Giddon, Oll) are carrying the old lienid man (Tealiff), Katsa is trying to get back to Randa's Castle to safety. While Katsa is trying to clear the way of all the guards by knocking them out, she encounters a lienid fighter that has the grace (power) of fighting. After a battle Katsa eventually knocks him out. They finally reach the castle and Katsa takes Tealiff to her cousin Raffin, who is a expert in herbs and medicines. They then hide in a a secret chamber and keep him hidden to keep him safe. When that Lienid fighter that Katsa fought with earlier showed up at the castle Katsa then found out that the fighter was the grandson of Tealiff and that is a good guy. After Katsa has a meeting with the council they are very puzzled on why Tealiff was kidnapped, so Katsa and the Lienid fighter (Prince Po) set out on a journey to find out what is really going on, and all throughout the story Po and Katsa are getting really close and becoming this unstoppable team. All while Giddon is getting really jealous. Altho everyone knows about Giddon's feelings toward Katsa, Katsa seems blind to the fact that he loves her.

Overall, this book has been a challenge reading, due to the fact that there is big vocabulary such as words like formidable which means powerful and without fear. After you know what most of the vocabulary means than it becomes very explicit to what the author is trying to get across to the reader but at the same time the author is painting a clear picture. I really liked how Katsa was that even though she had the grace to kill whenever and however she pleased, I really liked how just because she could do it, it didn't mean that it was what she was supposed to do. For example, instead of killing every person that got in her way like many would, she would just knock them out or put them to sleep unless it was extremely necessary. 

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