Sunday, March 22, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Summary & Relfection

The Catcher in the Rye starts off with the main character Holden Caulfield explaining on how he isn't going to bore you by talking about his early childhood, but he wanted to talk about his "madman" stuff that happened to him around last Christmas. He then talks about how his brother is in Hollywood making loads of money and how he sold out for the fame. It also talks about how Holden got kicked out of Pencey Prep because he failed all of his classes except English. He then explains how he didn't plan to watch the whole football game against Saxon Hall because since he was part of the fencing team he had to get to New York so that he can carry the equipment over there but lost almost half of it on his way over there on the subway so they had to leave early. It was his last day until Christmas vacation started so after he left the football game, he went to go say bye to his old history teacher who is ill with the flu.
The beginning of this book was a bit boring but it started to carry out and started to become more interesting for me because I liked the way Holden talks about everything and the way he expresses himself. I don't like how Holden is very judgmental about everyone. I do understand where he comes from and why he would think that way but I believe that one should always see the best in one because always looking on the bad side of things can really mess a person up.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Being negative only breeds negativity - but that is hard for some people to see.
