Thursday, January 8, 2015

Newsela's "NASA's Curiosity finds a key that may unlock a Martian mystery"

This article in newsela is about how NASA suspects that there used to be life on this red planet. They also found signs of great lakes and oceans that could of been around for tens of million years. With the lengths of over 96 miles long. In order for this great amount of water to last then there would have to have a much thicker atmosphere than it has currently. "The climate system must have been loaded with water, to sustain a lake at Gale Crater for millions of years." Ashwin Vasavada said. Ashwin is Curiosity's deputy project scientist.
I really liked this article because it showed their experiment and their theories into detail and that really gave a me a clear picture what they are trying to accomplish and what they know already. I also like this article because this whole operations has been a huge mystery is there has been any life on Mars and keeping up with the daily science news really expands your knowledge in other topics.

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