Friday, October 17, 2014

Call of Duty Scope Review

I really liked Call of Duty because I could feel the strong connection that a man and a dog could have. Call of Duty was about a young man named Jose Armenta. He started off in a not so good neighborhood where there were many gangs and had problems with many things. In order to escape that, he felt that it was for the best for him to enlist in the Marines at age 18. As time passed while Jose was in the Marines, they saw that he had talent. Because they knew he had this certain talent, they knew being a dog trainer in the Marines was the best thing for him. Jose immediately took the opportunity and has been the most elite team with his new buddy Zenit. They work together and do wonderful jobs. But one day Zenit started to sniff. They found an IED but they were going to fast as they found one after another. Unfortunately Jose stepped on one of them and flew about 20 feet back. He lost both of his legs and was sent back home and separated from Zenit. Jose was getting very depressed and sad when he knew that he did not only lose both of legs but he had also lost is partner Zenit. Jose struggled a lot to find himself and come to terms with what had just happened. After a long battle with the paperwork and finding where Zenit was, Jose was able to adopt Zenit and take him to his home. After Jose was reunited, it had seem as if everything was back to normal. Jose was finally happy and Zenit was where he belonged.
I liked this story because it really showed the love and the connection that Jose and Zenit had as a team that made them inseparable. It kinda puts me down knowing that things have happened like this when the soldier is wounded and separated from their dog partner and never see each other again. This reminds me a lot of the time when I went on a trip with my family for about a week, and where we went, dogs weren't allowed, so we left my dog at a friends house. A week passed and when we came back and went to pick up our dog, she came running out of the house and jumped into my sister's arm and showered her in slime. I have never seen my dog so happy. I think the message or theme that the author was trying to get apart is that everyone needs a partner or friend in order to get rough times. 

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